Document Type : Original Article
1 Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Payamenoor University, Tehran, Iran
2 Msc in Public Administration, Payamenoor University, Shiraz, Iran
Introduction: In the present era, listening to the employee voice has become very important for organizations; therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the effective factors on facilitating organizational voice based on personnel perspective of governmental hospitals of Mazandaran and Semnan provinces.
Research Method: First, by examining theoretical foundations of research, main and subcomponents and effective indicators on organizational voice facilitation were identified and developed in the form of a score-board checklist. Based on the Delphi approach, efforts were made to confirm the indices and components of the research. Then, based on the interpretative structural modeling, effective factors on organizational voice facilitation were designed.
Findings: Based on the research background, four factors and 16 criteria were identified. The positive beliefs of managers (X1), leadership style (X2), supervisor behavior (X3), atmosphere of trust and sense of suspicion (X4), accountability (X6), maintaining status que (X10) in the group of dependent variables, the components of non-conformity with the community (X5), demographic characteristics (X11), group thinking avoidance (X7) and trust and optimism to the administrator (X8) in the group of autonomic variables, organizational structure (X12), feedback mechanism (X13), job promotion and development (X14), organizational communications (X15), organizational culture (X16) and attitude and personality characteristics (X9) are in the group of independent variables.
Conclusion: The results show that in the group of dependent variables, the factors affecting organizational voice have weak penetration power but somewhat have high dependence. In the group of independent variables, the factors affecting organizational voice have high penetration power but somewhat have low dependence.
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