Document Type : Original Article
1 Associate prof., Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Research Center, Health Research Institute, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran
2 MSc Student in Environmental Health Engineering, Student Research Committee, School of Public Health, Gonabad University of Medical Sciences, Gonabad, Iran
Introduction: Scientific journals can be considered as a symbol of the scientific life of every scientific domain including medical sciences. Considering the current situation of the country, paying special attention to economic issues, especially the resistive economy among medical journals, indicates direct or indirect interest of the academia in such subjects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the publication of articles regarding resistive economy among medical journals.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted for five years (2012-2016). Thetitles, abstracts, and keywords of all Persian articles of the journals of all universities of medical sciences were reviewed in terms of using words such as economy, Islamic economy, and resistive economy. The data were collected by means of a tailor-made data collection sheet including data on the titles of the journals, the number of the journals, articles and article numbers, the presence of the keywords ‘economy’, ‘resisitive economy’, and ‘Islamic economy’. The data were analyzed with Excel Software using descriptive statistics like means.
Results: The outcome extracted from 34265 articles from 148 journals published by 49 medical universities suggested that 224 scientific works (0.6% of all the articles) have been published on economy. Also, one article was on Islamic economy and two on resistive economy. Journals of Schools of Welfare and Rehabilitation had the highest frequency of related articles (32 articles)
Conclusion: Althoughresearch findings suggest that there have been articles on economic issues published in journals of medical sciences the rate of such topics is limited. Therefore, applying measures for those who research into medical sciences to pay more attention to this national requirement, and publishing more articles are recommended.
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