Document Type : Review Article
Department of Health Services Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Background: The importance of the role of nursing managersin the effectiveness of patient care and improvement of the nursing care quality is undeniable. In this regard, existence of identical criteria and instructions in nursing care management is crucial. Therefore, the present study was conducted to present a model for selection, recruitment, and training nursing managers.
Method: This descriptive-comparative study was carried out in 2017. The study population included common and available models in selecting, training, and employing nursing managers in the UK, the USA, Canada, Turkey, Australia, and Iran. The keywords used were nursing manager, recruitment, selection, and training. Information was collected through online databases, library resources, and other electronic or paper journals. To verify the suggested model, a 50-item questionnaire based on selection, recruitment, and training nursing managers was developed in the second stage of the study. The data analysis method was content analysis. In the second stage, SPSS 21 and Z Test were used for statistical analysis of the findings and for each question, respectively.
Results: The findings of the study are presented in three sections including selection, training, and recruitment of nursing managers. In the final model, 30 factors were identified as factors influencing the selection, training, and recruitment of nursing managers. Academic qualifications, professional qualifications of individuals, individual characteristics, human skills of qualified people, management skills of qualified individuals, and ethical qualifications of qualified individuals are among the characteristics that were approved in the present study to select a nursing manager. To train the nursing managers, we can use curricula and hold training courses and congresses in the health sector. In order to employ nursing managers, it is important to pay attention to the role of managers in strategic plans.
Conclusion: The need for paying attention to appropriate administrative structures, effective teaching methods, human resources, laws and regulations, and assessment considering the principles of nursing should be taken into consideration in selecting, training, and recruiting nursing managers.
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