Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant of Professor, Community Based Psychiatric Care Research Center, Nursing and Midwifery School, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 Community Based Psychiatric Care Research Center, Nursing and Midwifery School, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran



Introduction: Supportive and preventive interventions can potentially influence the resilience of cancer patients. This study aimed to compare the effect of spiritual therapy and the Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) on resilience and hope in patients with colorectal cancer.
Methods: This semi-experimental study evaluated 66 patients with colorectal cancer, divided into two groups of 33 people (spiritual therapy and SEFT). Data were collected using a demographic information form, Herth’s Hope Index, and Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Data analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 24).
Results: Both spiritual therapy and SEFT had a positive effect on resilience and hope in patients with colorectal cancer. Life expectancy was significantly increased in both the SEFT and the spiritual therapy groups. However, the increase in the SEFT group was higher than the spiritual therapy group. SEFT training resulted in a 32.63-point increase in life expectancy and a 21.09-point in resilience, while spiritual therapy was associated with an increase of 22.06-point increase in life expectancy and 8.51-point in resilience (P=0.01).
Conclusion: Both spiritual therapy and SEFT were effective in improving life expectancy and resilience in patients; however, SEFT was more effective than spiritual therapy. Since cancer affects individuals’ resilience, spiritual therapy could indirectly affect patients’ psychological adaptation by providing support resources.


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