Document Type : Original Article
- Seyed Jalil Masoumi 1
- Najmeh Hejazi 1
- Sanaz Jamshidi 2
- Atefeh Torabi Ardekani 3
- Morteza Zare 4
- Seyedeh Ensieh Beheshtian 5
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Nutrition, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Nutrition Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2 PhD, Center for Cohort Study of SUMS Employees, Health, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
3 MSc; Center for Cohort Study of SUMS Employees, Health, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
4 MSc; Nutrition Research Center, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
5 MSc; Department of Clinical Nutrition, School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Nutrition Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Introduction: Numerous studies reported a strong relationship between inflammation and reduced quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between body cell mass index (BCMI), phase angle, and hematological indices indicating inflammation with quality of life among personnel of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (SUMS).
Methods: This cross-sectional study was based on the health cohort study of SUMS employees, in which 1195 people were included in 2017. Body composition, including BCMI and phase angle, was measured using In Body device. Hematological indices were extracted from blood test results, and quality of life was assessed using the World Health Organization's Quality of Life questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS (version 21).
Results: The study included 1195 participants with a mean age of 42±6.99 years, mean weight of 72±13 Kg, and mean height of 1.65±0.9 m. BCMI, cell mass index, and phase angle showed a significant direct relationship with the physical and psychological domains of quality of life and an inverse relationship with the environmental domain (P<0.05). Besides, the platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) showed a significant and direct relationship with the environmental domain of quality of life (P=0.010 and P=0.035, respectively).
Conclusion: There was a direct relationship between certain body composition indicators and specific aspects of quality of life. Hematological indices also had a direct relationship with the environmental domain of quality of life.
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