Document Type : Original Article



Background: The present study aimed to examine the relationship between depression, social phobia, and obsession-compulsion symptoms and body dysmorphic disorder in cosmetic surgery patients in Tehran.
 Methods: This correlational study was conducted on all the patients referred to cosmetic surgery clinics in Tehran. Among these patients, 384 ones were selected using simple cluster sampling. The study data were collected using modified Yale-Brown obsessive compulsive scale for body dysmorphic disorder, Maudsley obsessive compulsive inventory, Beck depression inventory, and social phobia inventory.  Then, the data were entered into the SPSS statistical software, version 18 and were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Results: The results showed a significant relationship between depression, social phobia, and obsession-compulsion symptoms and body dysmorphic disorder (p=0.05). Besides, the results of stepwise regression analysis for predicting body dysmorphic disorder indicated that checking and doubt among obsessive-compulsive disorder sub-scales (p<0.001, B=0.19; p<0.001, B=0.12), fear among social phobia subscales (p<0.001, B=0.32), and fear with physiological component among depression subscales had significant positive relationships with body dysmorphic disorder.
Conclusions: Social phobia followed by cognitive subscale of depression disorder and checking subscale of obsessive-compulsive disorder were strong predictors of body dysmorphic disorder. The findings have proved that most cosmetic surgery patients are diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder. Therefore, cosmetic clinics are recommended to evaluate patients psychologically before performing surgeries.


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