Document Type : Original Article



Background: Nowadays, hospitals play a critical role in maintaining and promoting human health. Therefore, review of employees' deviant behavior at work would receive much research attention. This study aims to investigate the influence of managerial and organizational factors on workplace deviant behavior among employees working at Zahedan Imam-Ali Hospital.
Methods: A descriptive-analytic design was used; the sample size using technique of random sampling was 400 employees, who were working at Zahedan, Imam-Ali Hospital during the study. To collecting data used of two designed, self-reported questionnaires. the first questionnaire for measuring deviance work behaviors, second questionnaire for measuring four managerial and organizational affecting factor on deviance work behaviors (Organizational rules, organizational culture, reward structures and interactive equity). Data was analyzed using statistical test such as Spearman correlation coefficient, T test and one way-ANOVA. 
Results: Employees’ deviant workplace behaviour score (36.5 ±8.5) was considerably lower than the mean value of 70. Moreover, the deviant workplace behaviours in nursing and services personnel were higher than physician and administrative personnel.  The score of organizational rules, organizational culture and reward structures were down than criteria score but the score of interactive equity was higher than criteria. Subsequently, there was relationship between work deviance behavior and education, job and personnel income (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The frequency of employees’ deviant behavior was lower than the mean value; however, it is observed that some of the study variables including employees’ educational attainment and income level played important roles in workplace deviant behavior. Hospital manager should pay more attention to their staff level of education and income if they are to reduce workplace deviance.
